Elders and Staff

Brian Hill, Teaching Pastor
We would like to welcome our new Teaching Pastor, Brian Hill, to CBF! Brian has been married to Kim for over 25 years and they have four children: Briana and Ashwin Christopher, Mackenzie, Tyler, and Kylie. He is a graduate of Pillsbury Baptist Bible College and he has a Master of Divinity from Baptist Bible Seminary. Brian has faithfully served the Lord in pastoral ministry for over 25 years and we are excited to see how the Lord will now use him here at CBF!
We would like to welcome our new Teaching Pastor, Brian Hill, to CBF! Brian has been married to Kim for over 25 years and they have four children: Briana and Ashwin Christopher, Mackenzie, Tyler, and Kylie. He is a graduate of Pillsbury Baptist Bible College and he has a Master of Divinity from Baptist Bible Seminary. Brian has faithfully served the Lord in pastoral ministry for over 25 years and we are excited to see how the Lord will now use him here at CBF!

Mark McKinney, Youth & Family Pastor
Psalms 37:23-26 says "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way. Though I may fall, I am not utterly cast down, for the Lord upholds me with His hand. I have been young and now I am old, but I have never seen the righteous forsaken, nor his descendants begging for bread. He is ever merciful, and lends; and his descendants are blessed". Truly God has directed my steps through out my life, and has provided for me every step of the way. He directed my steps to a youth camp where I got saved when I was 10, and called me into ministry at that same camp 10 years later. He then lead me to Word of Life Bible Institute, and School of Youth, Missions, and Evangelism to further my education. I have been blessed to serve at CBF since 2005. In 2008 God blessed me with a beautiful, godly wife (Lindsay). We now have two girls, Savannah, and Rebekah, and it's our privilege to serve the Lord together.
Psalms 37:23-26 says "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way. Though I may fall, I am not utterly cast down, for the Lord upholds me with His hand. I have been young and now I am old, but I have never seen the righteous forsaken, nor his descendants begging for bread. He is ever merciful, and lends; and his descendants are blessed". Truly God has directed my steps through out my life, and has provided for me every step of the way. He directed my steps to a youth camp where I got saved when I was 10, and called me into ministry at that same camp 10 years later. He then lead me to Word of Life Bible Institute, and School of Youth, Missions, and Evangelism to further my education. I have been blessed to serve at CBF since 2005. In 2008 God blessed me with a beautiful, godly wife (Lindsay). We now have two girls, Savannah, and Rebekah, and it's our privilege to serve the Lord together.

Michael Lunceford, Lay Pastor
I was born in Kingsport, TN and came to faith in Christ by God's sovereign grace.
I studied Health Administration at UNC-Chapel Hill and University of Alabama-Birmingham. I currently serve as Administrator at a local medical clinic.
At CBF I have been privileged to serve in administrative, teaching and counseling ministries. I received training through Crown Financial Ministries, Dave Ramsey Certified Counselor Program and Association of Certified Biblical Counselors.
God blessed me with my best friend and wife Kimberly in 1993 and since then gave us three wonderful children, David, Jonathan, and Sarah.
I was born in Kingsport, TN and came to faith in Christ by God's sovereign grace.
I studied Health Administration at UNC-Chapel Hill and University of Alabama-Birmingham. I currently serve as Administrator at a local medical clinic.
At CBF I have been privileged to serve in administrative, teaching and counseling ministries. I received training through Crown Financial Ministries, Dave Ramsey Certified Counselor Program and Association of Certified Biblical Counselors.
God blessed me with my best friend and wife Kimberly in 1993 and since then gave us three wonderful children, David, Jonathan, and Sarah.

Woody Lamm, Lay Pastor
Grace and peace to you in the name of Christ Jesus our Lord. Nancy (my wife of over 42 years) and I are thankful for this open door of service as part of the Elder Team here at CBF. We have been members here since 2008 and have served in many and various roles over the years. Nancy accepted Jesus Christ as her personal Savior in 1972 through the New Directions Ministry, and I made that same life-changing decision in 1976 through a Billy Graham Crusade. We were married in 1980 and were later called into life-long service through Faith Missions in 1982. We have served with several Mission agencies, with about seven years of ministry in Asia. The Lord gave me the vison for Piedmont Men of Steel in early 2006 -- the ministry to “Make Disciples” of men through Engaging through Jesus Christ, Equipping through the Bible, and Empowering through discipleship and training. The ministry is in its 17th year and is based under the financial accountability and umbrella of CBF. We focus on men in prison and those who have been released – “Molding Men Toward the Image of Christ”.
We have been blessed with a daughter, Anna, and her husband Lars, and grandson Mayhew, and a son, Jonathan. Nancy and I are excited to serve here at CBF in the areas of teaching, evangelism, exhortation, helps, mercy, hospitality, and administration. May we grow together in His grace as we “Make Disciples” until He returns, or He calls us home.
“But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.” Galatians 6:14 (KJV)
Grace and peace to you in the name of Christ Jesus our Lord. Nancy (my wife of over 42 years) and I are thankful for this open door of service as part of the Elder Team here at CBF. We have been members here since 2008 and have served in many and various roles over the years. Nancy accepted Jesus Christ as her personal Savior in 1972 through the New Directions Ministry, and I made that same life-changing decision in 1976 through a Billy Graham Crusade. We were married in 1980 and were later called into life-long service through Faith Missions in 1982. We have served with several Mission agencies, with about seven years of ministry in Asia. The Lord gave me the vison for Piedmont Men of Steel in early 2006 -- the ministry to “Make Disciples” of men through Engaging through Jesus Christ, Equipping through the Bible, and Empowering through discipleship and training. The ministry is in its 17th year and is based under the financial accountability and umbrella of CBF. We focus on men in prison and those who have been released – “Molding Men Toward the Image of Christ”.
We have been blessed with a daughter, Anna, and her husband Lars, and grandson Mayhew, and a son, Jonathan. Nancy and I are excited to serve here at CBF in the areas of teaching, evangelism, exhortation, helps, mercy, hospitality, and administration. May we grow together in His grace as we “Make Disciples” until He returns, or He calls us home.
“But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.” Galatians 6:14 (KJV)

Tricia Anemaet, Church Secretary
I was born and raised in the Gibsonville community. I was saved as a young child, and was very fortunate to grow up in a Christian home, and attend a Christian school. My husband and I were married in 2000. God blessed us with a son, Gabriel and daughter, Lilly. My husband works as a first responder, and our son is following in his footsteps. As a family, we have been through many various trials, but we have learned something from each and every one. God never leaves or forsakes us and has been with us every step of the way. We are very thankful and blessed to be a part of our CBF Family.
I was born and raised in the Gibsonville community. I was saved as a young child, and was very fortunate to grow up in a Christian home, and attend a Christian school. My husband and I were married in 2000. God blessed us with a son, Gabriel and daughter, Lilly. My husband works as a first responder, and our son is following in his footsteps. As a family, we have been through many various trials, but we have learned something from each and every one. God never leaves or forsakes us and has been with us every step of the way. We are very thankful and blessed to be a part of our CBF Family.